Web development for data conservation & digitalization for a historical library
Web development for a digital archive of Vratsa region – XX century – history, culture, lifestyle, traditions, landmarks. It is an authentic “picture” (through text, sound, photography) of the life of each of the towns and villages in Vratsa region.
Valuable records, documents and photographs come out of the oblivion in order to be safeguarded and shown – presented in the best generally accessible way, so that they can disclose to the contemporary human the “life” of one of the most colorful and interesting, however at the same time one of the poorest and the most depopulated as of today, regions of Bulgaria. The magic of the word, the song, the tradition is now felt in a new way. The beauty and the healing power of nature acquire new dimensions. The simple and deeply touching human messages in personal stories and narratives based on pictures sound and look differently. A panorama of a world which beliefs in the life of the community.
The problem
Over the years, Bulgarian history, folklore, and traditions have been lost little by little. The idea of the platform is to find and preserve, through photographs, documents, stories and songs, these values from small towns and villages in northwestern Bulgaria.
Displaying detailed history information for all cities and villages in Vratsa District. Collect all the information and present it in an easy, accessible, and engaging way for all users.

Time Travel Map protects and popularizes the folklore and history in the Vratsa region. This is important because many of the villages in the region are permanently depopulated in recent decades, and a lot of the heritage is often destroyed by negligence, lack of knowledge of their importance or simply left in the empty houses.
The online platform allows all users to view all municipalities in the Vratsa region. In each municipality, all cities and villages are described in detail. The description includes settlement history, beliefs and traditions, local stories, local revolutionaries.
Simple and easy way to edit and add new settlements and stories. For every settlement we can add and edit the texts, pictures, videos and sound records. For the backend is used Laravel on PHP and for the front end is used JavaScript, ajax, jquery and bootstrap, for the database is used MySQL.
The customer achieves high traffic and interest among consumers. For the first six months of launching the site, visits reached up to 2,000 per week. And overall for the last 12 months (March 2018 – March 2019 according to Google Analytics statistics), the site records the following statistics:
- Total visitors to the site: 57 750
- Total Site Views: 84,500
- Total pages viewed: 212,500
- Average pages viewed per user: 2.51 pages
- Average time spent on site by user: 2:25 (2 min and 25 sec)
The client received a national award “Hristo G. Danov” in the category “Libraries and library work”. This is the biggest difference in the field of culture.
They gave more than we expected. They added new features and functionality after the release which was really kind. The project was a specific one and we are glad that we were able to bond quickly and make it happen.
– Kalina Todorova, Head of Regional Studies
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